What are Lip Wrinkles?- How To Treat Them

Lip wrinkles have many names. People may call them lip lines, lipstick lines, or smoker's lines. Lip wrinkles are those little vertical lines that form on the lips of adults as they age. Unfortunately, they are frustratingly challenging to get rid of but getting rid of them (instead of trying to cover them) can easily take ten years off your appearance!


Lip wrinkles are facial wrinkles that form on the skin above the lip and the lips themselves. Those on the lips appear as a set of fine vertical lines, often stretching from one side of the mouth to the other. It is not uncommon for lipstick to settle in these lines, making them appear darker and more profound than they may actually be. Wrinkles above the lip are vertical lines stretching upwards towards the nose. These are typically deeper and more pronounced than the ones present on the actual lip. 


What Causes Lip Wrinkles?

There are a few potential causes of lip wrinkles. The first is age-related changes in collagen production. As collagen levels in the skin decrease along with a reduction in new collagen production, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic. The lips, which generally appear puffy and full in youth, also become visible deflated as we age. In addition to reduced collagen, aging skin produces less oil, leading to chronic dryness. Due to constant exposure to the elements, the lips are particularly prone to dryness.


Another significant cause of lip wrinkles is unprotected sun exposure. Your lip skin is very delicate and, unlike other skin on your face or body, often goes without protection from the sun and other elements.


Lip wrinkles on the upper lip are often the result of smoking. Smoking produces chemicals within the body known to contribute to premature aging. Also, the repetitive motion of "a drag" on a cigarette can contribute to lip wrinkles. Other repetitive facial expressions, such as pursing your lips when drinking through a straw, may also lead to these wrinkles, also known as dynamic wrinkles.


Treatment for Lip Wrinkles at Upkeep Med Spa

There are several potential treatment options available to reduce the appearance of lip wrinkles. To learn more about which treatment option is best for you, contact one of our skincare professionals at Upkeep Med Spa to discuss your skin concerns.


Dermal fillers

Many skincare professionals use injectable fillers to fill in fine lines and wrinkles to provide a fuller-looking lip. A solution containing hyaluronic acid, such as Juvéderm, is injected directly into the lips and surrounding area reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles around your mouth.


Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a procedure that removes the top layer of the skin, allowing a new, younger-looking layer to take its place. This procedure can help improve the appearance of fine wrinkles, light scarring, and skin blemishes.



Microneedling helps to stimulate collagen production, which improves the look of fine lines and wrinkles, creating a more youthful appearance. Microneedling is an effective technique for tightening the skin on other areas of the face.


Botox Injections

The lines and wrinkles around the mouth (dynamic wrinkles) are often caused by repetitive movements of the muscles surrounding the mouth. Botox injections are an excellent solution for this type of wrinkle.


If your skin is starting to show signs of aging around your lips, many treatment options are available to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Let our experienced, caring team of skin care professionals help you achieve your skincare goals. Contact us at Upkeep Med Spa today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about skincare treatments to reduce the signs of aging.