How to Restore Collagen and Elasticity in the Face

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the body. It is also the most abundant. Collagen is a fiber-like tissue that helps to connect other tissues together. It is a vital component of skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. Without collagen, our tissues would not be strong, resilient, or capable of stretching.

 Unfortunately, several aspects of our daily lives impact collagen production. In addition to natural aging, collagen production rapidly decreases due to smoking, excess alcohol consumption, lack of adequate sleep and exercise, and excess sun exposure. As part of the natural aging process, the collagen deep within the skin's layers changes in structure and format. In time, a reduction in collagen production coupled with changes to how collagen works within the body can lead to wrinkles and a loss of elasticity.


What Can You Do to Boost Collagen?

In addition to treatments at Upkeep Med Spa, there are many "at home" methods you can try to improve collagen production and reverse the visible signs of aging. Remember that not all methods will work well for everyone, and some particular skin concerns should be addressed by a skincare professional. It is important to talk to a professional about your skincare goals before beginning or changing your skincare routine to ensure that new products are safe and effective for your specific needs and goals. Additionally, certain supplements, even those which supplement naturally occurring chemicals in the body, may interact poorly with prescription medications. Before adding a supplement to your routine, be sure to contact your primary care provider.


Vitamin C

As important as Vitamin C is to our overall health, it is one vitamin the body cannot make on its own. Therefore, we must get all of our vitamin C intake from our diet and outside sources. Research into skin health suggests that vitamin C may play an important role in protecting our skin and helping to create more collagen. You will find that many skincare products add vitamin C to their formulas for this specific reason.


Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a vital component of collagen in the skin. It is crucial for collagen production and can be found in many forms, including skin treatments, facial treatments, creams, serums, and as a dietary supplement.



Antioxidants protect your body and skin from free radicals, molecules that can damage the body tissues. While not all antioxidants boost collagen production, they can help the collagen present in your skin work to its optimal capabilities. Antioxidants exist in several forms and can help the skin in many ways. You can find antioxidants in foods and drinks.



Retinol is a type of antioxidant used to increase collagen production in the skin. Not only does retinol boost collagen production, but it helps increase the lifespan of the collagen you already have while blocking specific enzymes that work to destroy collagen. With so many positive impacts on collagen, it is easy to see why retinol is a common addition to many skin care creams, serums, and treatments at Upkeep Med Spa.


Protect your skin

Washing, exfoliating, and wearing sunscreen on sunny days all help to protect your skin and reduce the harmful effects of sun exposure, dust, weather, and pollution on the collagen in your skin.


Collagen Boosting Treatments at Upkeep Med Spa

In addition to caring for your skin at home, Upkeep Med Spa offers a range of skincare treatments that can help improve collagen production and reverse the signs of aging by reducing dark spots and visible wrinkles.



Microneedling is a painless, minimally invasive treatment designed to boost collagen production. Also called “collagen induction therapy,”  microneedling works by creating tiny punctures in the skin that prompt your skin to begin repairing itself. The repair process stimulates collagen production.


PRP Treatments

PRP treatments use Microneedling or dermal fillers to introduce concentrated plasma into your skin. This process spurs cell regrowth and healing, reducing wrinkles and many signs of aging linked to collagen reduction.



HydraFacials are an excellent way to increase collagen production through increasing blood flow and circulation to your skin. HydraFacials provide many benefits and can be combined with other skincare treatments to achieve maximum results.


There are many ways to improve collagen production and reverse the visible signs of aging on your skin. Remember that the first line of defense against collagen loss is to care for your skin. Remember to wear sunscreen and protect against excessive exposure to the sun's damaging rays. If you would like to learn more about collagen boosting skin care treatments at Upkeep Med Spa, contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment with a skin care professional.