Essential Ingredients To Add To Your Recipes For Healthy Skin

Everyone knows that a healthy diet is vital to maintaining a healthy body. Nutrition is the cornerstone to adequate metabolism, weight management, and overall organ health. Our hearts, brains, liver, kidneys, and digestive organs depend on dietary choices to function at optimal capacity. But, there is another organ that relies heavily on dietary choices-our skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body, yet, it often receives less attention than it probably should. Ongoing research indicates, in addition to what we put on our skin, what we put in our bodies affects the overall health and aging of our skin.

There are many recipes out there that can contribute to healthy skin. In fact, there are far too many to narrow down the list to just a few. Below, we focus on a few essential ingredients you should include in your recipes to achieve and maintain healthy skin. Including these ingredients in your diet can help improve skin health, texture, elasticity and reduce the appearance of acne scarring, lines, and wrinkles.


Fatty Fish

Fish like herring, mackerel, and salmon are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. While these are excellent for reducing inflammation and other benefits to your overall health, they are also excellent for skin health. Fish are also rich in vitamin E, an essential skin antioxidant. Fatty fish also provide protein and zinc, which are two elements critical for skin health, wound healing, and skin strength.


Avocados are also high in healthy fats that are essential to keeping your skin moisturized and flexible. Studies show a diet high in the specific type of fat found in avocados leads to springy, more supple skin. There is also evidence to suggest the compounds in avocados may protect your skin from UV sun damage which can cause skin damage, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Avocados are also rich in vitamins E and C, both crucial for skin health.

Yellow and Red Bell Peppers

Both yellow and red peppers are high in beta carotene (which your body converts to vitamin A), an essential antioxidant for your skin. Also, these peppers are known to be excellent sources of vitamin C which is crucial for collagen creation.


Broccoli contains many vitamins and nutrients essential to skin health, including vitamins A and C and zinc and lutein. The mineral lutein helps protect your skin from oxidative damage that can lead to dryness and wrinkles. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane which helps protect against sun damage and maintains collagen levels in the skin.


Tomatoes are high in beta carotene, vitamin C,  lycopene, and other major carotenoids, which have proven effective in protecting your skin against sun damage and wrinkling.

Dark chocolate

The effects of cocoa (at least 70% cocoa) on your skin are incredible! Studies show that eating dark chocolate leads to more hydrated skin, reduced scaling, reduced sensitivity to sunburn, and improved blood flow to the skin.

Including other foods like walnuts, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, green tea, and soy in your recipes can also benefit skin health.


Your diet affects your overall health and your skin health, so it is important to consider what you put in the foods you eat. Make sure you create meals with the right nutrients to feed and protect your skin. In addition to a healthy diet, it is also important to treat your skin to the best skin care treatments and products such as facials and other skin therapies offered at Upkeep Med Spa. These relaxing treatments are an excellent way to maintain a lasting, youthful complexion.